Leaving Nursery and beginning school is a big step for children as well as parents. It is important for parents and nursery practitioners to help children familiarise themselves with the concept of school. These can be done through many different methods, which will help result in a successful transition.

Visiting the school ahead of time

To help increase your child’s confidence, it is a great idea to visit the school ahead of time (this can be more than once). Taking a walk to and around the school is an great way of introducing what will be happening in the few months and to help your child to familiarise themselves with their new environment and build up their excitement.

We understand due to the current pandemic this may not be possible. Maybe you can visit the website of the new school together and take a look at the pictures available. This is a great place for parents to familiarise themselves with the school policies and procedures.

Developing good relationships with your local schools

Our nursery practitioner’s take time to develop an amazing relationship with our local schools to accommodate to our children’s needs. This may include reception teachers visiting the nursery and meeting the child. We maintain communication and hold meetings to ensure our children are able to have a success transitions.

Create a school role play area

This is an effective way to help build the confidence of our children and help reduce the feeling anxiety in September. Role play items can include school bag, uniform, books, pencils, school logos on the wall.

Maybe you can take your child with you when shopping for their new uniform. Practicing getting dressed in the mornings will ensure they are ready to go in September.

Reading books on ‘going to school’

Reading stories to children about going to a new school will provide an amazing basis to start talking about children moving to another setting and the feelings which may occur. Stories provide a great way to talk about this transition, especially for those who may struggle in expressing their feelings. Use this as a starting point to encourage your child to express what their expectations from their new school are. Can you share your school experiences with your child? What is your favourite memory?

Promote and develop children independence

Developing independence can be done through small tasks such as promoting children to zip up their own coats, put their own socks and shoes on, going to the toilet on their own and washing their hands without any supervision. This will help children get prepared for school.